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Adding new admins

I’ve been trying to figure out what to do with this site for a while, and in a blatant attempt to shirk this decision, I’ve invited some new authors to jump in.  If you are reading this, I either invited you, or you should request an invite in the comments to this post. Here are some suggestions, but write about whatever you want, knowing no one (probably) will ever read it:

  • 30s angst
  • General complaining
  • Working for the Man
  • Tacit knowledge that you are the Man
  • Your most recent exploits in:
    • Attempts at rock-stardom
    • Destroying capitalism “from the inside”
    • General chaos

You’re an admin, so 50 points to whoever wrecks this post first.


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Back from the dead.

A few friends put this site together when they were in their early 20s, but it was grabbed up by ruthless domain trolls when, like 20-year-olds, they forgot to renew the domain. The evil trolls found the site unprofitable, and have relinquished it back into the hands of its creators. Muahahahaha!